
Films on Youtube, chapter 22

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Chapter 22


I'm really really glad I'm in glee club. And no matter how cheesy that sounds it's true. Before I joined New Directions, I was just another guy on the football team. I probably would have had a normal, boring high school life. I'd date some cheerleader, be one of the people ruling the school. Heck, I'd probably be throwing slushies, showing into lockers or doing the famous "dumpster dives".

Instead, I'm the one that's getting slushied. People say Finn and I are crazy for deciding to sing in glee and getting teased and ridiculed for it. But, I have to admit, no matter how soft this sounds, I love New Directions.

I love Tina with her weird goth/vampire fashion. I love the way Rachel competes for solos, even when no one fights back. There's Puck, Finn, Quinn, Sam and now Lauren, with their tangled up relationships.

And, for some time, there was Kurt. Yes, he could act way too girly sometimes and his fashion sense was a bit daring and different, but there was something special about him. And he could dance. In my world, if someone is a good dancer then they're definitely cool.

That's another reason I'm grateful for New Directions. I really had only danced in my room before. Scared, of being told I suck, I kept my skills to myself. And then one day Mr Shue spotted my talent and since then I've been known as : Mike Chang – the dancer.

Singing was always on second place. I never really thought about it that much until the duet assignment came up and Tina and I sang 'Sing' together. Before it was simply singing in the showers or humming along while I danced.

Of course, glee club isn't perfect. Sometimes you simply want to hit everyone to make them shut up. And sometimes we all say things to each other that we don't mean. But at the end of the day, New Directions is a family and that's how it's always going to be.

The music started playing and I snapped out of my thoughts. We were all a bit surprised when Rachel and Kurt announced that they would be singing a duet a) with each other, b) after the duet competition. Then again, it's Rachel and with that girl, we've all simply learned to just go along with her and not question her.

Rachel and Kurt were sitting next to each other, in front of the piano. I'm not sure what is the name of the song, except that it's got something to do with being happy and happiness and stuff like that.

Kurt started the duet, singing a part that I'm sure was originally sang by a girl. I know me, Finn, Puck, Sam, heck, nearly all the boys I know wouldn't be able to sing it. He was soon joined by Rachel, whose voice harmonized ideally with his.

I never realized before how alike Kurt and Rachel are (yes I know Kurt would glare at me if I said this aloud). They're both confident, divas, don't let anyone get to them and both will do anything to win or to prove a point. Even their postures are similar : straight backs, leg on leg, hands rested, heads held high and a huge beaming smile.

The camera moves from the two singing people and show us. Brittany is staring longingly at Artie, who is staring in the other direction. I don't know what happened between them but I'm happy they got back together. And that's got nothing to do with the fact that I was scared something might happen between Tina and Artie. No, nothing at all.

Quinn and Sam are swaying slightly to the music with smiles on their faces. Tina and I are embracing, happy that we put our stupid Asian argument behind us. Finn is staring love sick at Rachel while Mr Shue is grinning that smug grin of his, that he wears whenever he's proud of us.

Mercedes is staring at her best friend, Santana looks as if she's about to cry and Artie is just looking sadly into the distance.

When Kurt started singing "We're heading down river, soon your cares will all be gone" his expression suddenly changed as if remembering something.

I wasn't the only one in the room that noticed and a few people shot Kurt worried looks but he smiled and gestured at us too return to the video. Which we all did.

In one moment, while singing a very very high note Rachel suddenly grabbed Kurt hand. Nearly everyone burst out laughing. It wasn't the fact that they were holding hands, that was a great gesture of friendship. No, it was the emotion and facial expressions that were shown on Rachel's face. You could tell she was singing from her whole heart, even if the effect was a bit comical.

'Oh shut up' she said in a very unlike Rachel way 'I look very professional here and this was a very serious and heart moving moment'

'Oh my dear lady' said Wes, one of the Dalton boys

'So sorry for spoiling the, how did you say it' carried on David

'the serious and heart moving moving'

'Ah yes, the serious and heart moving moment. So very very sorry'

'We promise you that'

'It won't happen again'

We all stared at the guys in shock. Did those two rehearse what they say or something? When it's just a few words it's not that surprising, but when they speak a whole dialogue like that one you really are shocked to the core.

'Ok, I've had enough!' Puck said from the sofa 'How on earth do you two mange to speak like that?'

'Like what?' asked David

'Like' continued Wes



'Know with the'

'Interrupting and'

'stuff' finished David

'SHUT UP' screamed Santana. Oh good, it wasn't just me that was bothered with those two.

'Now tell us how you manage to do that'

'Do what?' asked Wes, annoying us all even more

'You mean'

'Speak in'


They were silenced by a glare from the Latino girl.

'Fine, fine' said David while shooting Wes a look that clearly said don't interrupt 'The truth is, we're both psychic, but we can only read each other's minds'

More glares.

'We've simply been friends since birth. Literally. Our mum were in a hospital together and then we went to a same nursery, primary school and now we go together to Dalton. I think all the time we've spent together has simply made us know what the other wants to say'

They've known each other for 16 years! Holy Grilled Cheesus!

'How on earth did you not get bored with each other. Finn and I have been friends for 3 years and I've already had enough of him' asked Puck in a joking way.

Everyone laughed, even Finn. That is, he laughed until he realized that Puck had just insulted him. And for Finn to realize that it took about a minute. Not that I'm implying the boy is a bit thick. Of course I'm not.

After about a minute the song finished. I noticed Kurt mouthing 'Thanks for being there' to Rachel who answered him with a no worries expression.

At first I was a little bit puzzled about what that was all about but then I remembered everything that Rachel did for the boy. She was the one that noticed the bitterness in his voice when he talked about being alone. She was the first one who noticed how bad the bullying got and it was her that motivated us to stand up for Kurt.

People usually talk about her being heartless and only caring about herself but now that I think about it, I find myself disagreeing. In that situation, we were the selfish ones and she was the selfless one.

'Beth!' shouted out Puck

'Huh?' we all asked confused.

'The next song is Beth' he explained. Ah that's why he was so energetic.
Mike's POV. No idea why, but I suddenly felt like writing him :D
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tokyogirl0093's avatar
HA! Wevid is SO funny! And this just so happens to be my MOST favorite Kurtchel duet EVER!! Which is saying something cause they're ALL fantastic!